Understanding What is a Double Double in Basketball 2023

In basketball, a double-double is a single-game performance in which a player accumulates ten or more in two of the following five statistical categories: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocked shots. It is a common achievement in the NBA and refers to reaching double digits in two categories. A double-double can be achieved through various combinations such as points and rebounds, points and assists, or any other combination of the five statistical categories.

Key Takeaways:

  • A double-double in basketball is when a player reaches ten or more in two statistical categories in a single game
  • Points and rebounds, points and assists, and points and steals are some common double double combinations
  • Double doubles are celebrated as significant achievements in basketball, showcasing a player’s versatility and impact on the game
  • Triple doubles, quadruple doubles, and quintuple doubles are even rarer and more impressive statistical achievements
  • Wilt Chamberlain holds the record for the most combined double doubles in NBA history

How to Achieve a Double Double in Basketball

To achieve a double double in basketball, players need to employ specific strategies and focus on key statistical categories. It requires a combination of skill, effort, and court awareness. Here are some effective strategies to help you get a double double:

1. Positioning for Rebounds:

One of the most common ways to achieve a double double is by excelling in points and rebounds. To maximize your rebounding opportunities, position yourself well under the basket and anticipate the trajectory of missed shots. This will enable you to grab rebounds and contribute to your team’s possession.

2. Active Playmaking:

Another popular combination for a double double is points and assists. To achieve this, actively look for opportunities to assist your teammates. This includes making accurate passes, setting up plays, and creating scoring opportunities for others. Being a playmaker on the court can significantly increase your chances of achieving a double double.

3. Engaged Defense:

Staying engaged on defense is crucial for accumulating steals and blocked shots. By actively defending, you can disrupt the opponent’s offense and create turnovers. This will not only contribute to your team’s success but also provide opportunities for steals and blocked shots, helping you achieve a double double.

By incorporating these strategies into your gameplay, you can increase your chances of achieving a double double in basketball. Remember, it requires a combination of skills, effort, and a keen understanding of the game. With practice and dedication, you can join the ranks of players who consistently achieve this impressive feat.

Most Common Double Double Combinations in Basketball

When it comes to double doubles in basketball, certain combinations stand out as the most common. These combinations highlight the versatility and impact of players on the court. The two most prevalent combinations for a double double are points and rebounds, often achieved by dominant big men who control the paint, and points and assists, frequently accomplished by skilled guards who excel at setting up their teammates.

Points and rebounds is a classic combination that showcases a player’s ability to score and secure possessions for their team. It is often seen in power forwards and centers who excel at both scoring in the post and grabbing rebounds off the glass. This combination requires strength, positioning, and determination.

On the other hand, points and assists demonstrate a player’s ability to both score and create opportunities for their teammates. Guards who are exceptional playmakers often achieve this combination by scoring points themselves while also setting up their teammates for easy baskets. It requires a high basketball IQ, vision, and excellent passing skills.

Most Common Double Double Combinations in Basketball

While points and rebounds, and points and assists are the most common combinations, it is worth noting that double doubles can be achieved in any combination of the five statistical categories. Players who excel in steals and blocks, for example, may achieve double doubles by combining points with those categories.

Rare combinations

such as points and steals, points and blocked shots, or rebounds and assists are less common but still impressive achievements in basketball.

Rare Double Double Combinations in Basketball

In basketball, double doubles are commonly achieved through combinations of points and rebounds or points and assists. However, there are also rare double double combinations that showcase exceptional performances on the court. These unique combinations highlight the versatility and skill of certain players, as they excel in less conventional statistical categories.

Points and Steals

One rare double double combination is points and steals. This occurs when a player not only contributes significantly on the offensive end but also showcases exceptional defensive prowess by consistently stealing the ball from opponents. Achieving a double double in points and steals requires both offensive scoring ability and a keen defensive instinct.

Points and Blocked Shots

Another rare double double combination is points and blocked shots. This combination is typically accomplished by dominant big men who can score efficiently while also protecting the rim on the defensive end. Players who achieve double doubles in points and blocked shots contribute on both ends of the court and can significantly impact the game.

These rare double double combinations demonstrate the multifaceted skills of select players in basketball. While points and rebounds or points and assists remain the most common combinations, players who achieve double doubles in points and steals or points and blocked shots showcase their exceptional abilities and impact on the game.

Triple Doubles and Other Statistical Achievements

In addition to double doubles, there are other impressive statistical achievements in basketball that showcase a player’s exceptional performance on the court. One such achievement is the triple double, which occurs when a player reaches double digits in three or more statistical categories in a single game. Triple doubles require a rare combination of scoring, rebounding, and playmaking abilities, making them highly coveted by players and highly valued by fans.

While triple doubles are rare, they are not as uncommon as their counterparts, quadruple doubles and quintuple doubles. A quadruple double is achieved when a player reaches double digits in four statistical categories in a single game. This feat requires an extraordinary display of all-around skills and is a true testament to a player’s versatility and impact on the game.

Quintuple doubles, on the other hand, are the rarest of all statistical achievements in basketball. A player achieves a quintuple double by reaching double digits in all five statistical categories in a single game. This feat has only been accomplished a few times in basketball history, and it requires an exceptional performance in every aspect of the game.

what is a double double in basketball

The Five-by-Fives

In addition to these well-known statistical achievements, there is another lesser-known but equally impressive feat called the five-by-five. A five-by-five occurs when a player accumulates at least five in five different statistical categories in a single game. This includes points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocked shots. While not as widely recognized as double doubles or triple doubles, the five-by-five is a remarkable accomplishment that highlights a player’s versatility and impact on both ends of the court.

Double Double Record Holders

When it comes to double doubles in basketball, there are several record holders who have achieved extraordinary feats on the court. One of the most notable record holders is Wilt Chamberlain, who holds the record for the most combined double doubles for regular season and playoff games in NBA history with a total of 1,111. Chamberlain’s dominance in the paint allowed him to consistently rack up double digits in both points and rebounds, making him a force to be reckoned with during his career.

Another record holder is Tim Duncan, who holds the record for the most double doubles in the points-rebounds combination. Known for his versatility and skill in the low post, Duncan consistently made an impact on both ends of the court, accumulating numerous double doubles throughout his career. John Stockton, on the other hand, holds the record for the points-assists combination. Stockton’s exceptional court vision and ability to distribute the ball effectively allowed him to consistently reach double digits in points and assists.

Currently, one of the leaders in the league for double doubles is LeBron James. With over 540 and counting, James has consistently displayed his versatility and impact on the game by frequently reaching double digits in multiple statistical categories. His ability to score, rebound, and facilitate for his teammates has made him one of the most well-rounded players in NBA history.

Double Doubles in the WNBA

Double doubles are not exclusive to the NBA; they also occur in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). While they are less common in the WNBA due to differences in game length and playing style, there have been 20 double doubles recorded in the league. Players in the WNBA achieve double doubles by accumulating ten or more in two of the five statistical categories, just like in the NBA.

One notable player in the WNBA who has achieved numerous double doubles is Alyssa Thomas. Thomas holds the record for the most career triple doubles in the WNBA with eleven. Her ability to contribute in multiple statistical categories has made her a standout player in the league. Though the number of double doubles in the WNBA may be lower compared to the NBA, the significance of these achievements remains the same. They demonstrate a player’s impact on the game and their ability to contribute across different areas.

While double doubles may be less common in the WNBA, players in the league still aspire to achieve these milestones. Just like in the NBA, double doubles showcase a player’s versatility and overall performance. They contribute to a team’s success and are celebrated as notable achievements in the sport.

WNBA Triple Doubles

In addition to double doubles, there have also been triple doubles in the WNBA. A triple double is achieved when a player reaches double digits in three or more statistical categories in a single game. While triple doubles are rarer than double doubles, they are highly impressive and highlight the exceptional skills and contributions of the player. Players like Alyssa Thomas have demonstrated their ability to dominate the game and make an impact in multiple statistical areas.

Overall, double doubles and triple doubles in the WNBA are significant achievements that showcase a player’s versatility and ability to impact the game. Despite their relatively lower frequency compared to the NBA, these milestones are a testament to the skill and talent of the players in the WNBA.

Double Doubles in WNBA

Controversies and Unusual Cases

Double doubles in basketball have not been without their fair share of controversies and unusual cases. One controversy surrounding double doubles involves players deliberately manipulating the game to achieve the feat with a late rebound. In some instances, players have intentionally missed shots or even shot at their own team’s basket to secure a rebound and reach double digits in both points and rebounds. These actions have raised concerns about fair play and sportsmanship.

The NBA has implemented rules to deter these types of manipulations and maintain the integrity of the game. Players who engage in deliberate actions to secure a last-minute rebound for a double double may face penalties or fines. This serves as a reminder that achieving a double double should be a natural outcome of the game and not something that players intentionally strive for through unsportsmanlike tactics.

Aside from controversies, there have also been unusual cases surrounding double doubles. Some players have achieved multiple double doubles in a single game, demonstrating exceptional performance across multiple statistical categories. There have also been instances where players recorded double doubles in less common statistical categories such as steals, blocked shots, or even a combination of assists and steals. These unusual cases highlight the versatility and unique skills of certain players.

Historical Milestones and Notable Performances

Throughout the history of basketball, there have been several remarkable milestones and memorable performances when it comes to double doubles. These achievements showcase the incredible talents and contributions of players on the court. Let’s take a closer look at some of these historical moments and notable performances.

Wilt Chamberlain’s Consecutive Double Doubles

One of the most impressive accomplishments in double doubles belongs to Wilt Chamberlain. He holds the record for the most consecutive double doubles with an astounding 227. This remarkable feat highlights Chamberlain’s dominance and consistency as a player, solidifying his place as one of the greatest to ever grace the basketball court.

Hakeem Olajuwon’s Near Quintuple Double

In a double overtime game against the Seattle SuperSonics, Hakeem Olajuwon came tantalizingly close to achieving a quintuple double. He recorded an impressive stat line of 38 points, 17 rebounds, 6 assists, 7 steals, and 12 blocks. While he fell just short of reaching double digits in all five categories, this performance remains legendary in the annals of basketball history.

Other players like Russell Westbrook and LeBron James have consistently displayed exceptional performances, recording high numbers of double doubles throughout their careers. These players have become synonymous with double doubles, showcasing their versatility, impact, and ability to contribute across multiple statistical categories.

historical milestones in double doubles

Impressive Moments and Celebrated Milestones

Double doubles in basketball have provided numerous impressive moments and celebrated milestones. Whether it’s a player dominating the boards, racking up assists, or making their presence felt on both ends of the court, these performances leave a lasting impact on the game and the fans. As the sport continues to evolve, new players will undoubtedly emerge, pushing the boundaries and setting new records in the pursuit of double doubles.


In conclusion, double doubles in basketball are significant achievements that highlight a player’s versatility and impact on the game. Whether it’s points and rebounds, points and assists, or any other combination of statistical categories, a double double reflects a player’s overall performance and contribution to the team’s success.

Double doubles require a combination of skill, effort, and court awareness. Players must strategically position themselves, actively engage in playmaking, and stay focused on defense to achieve double digits in two statistical categories.

These accomplishments go beyond individual success; they contribute to the team’s overall performance and are celebrated as milestones in the sport. Double doubles showcase a player’s ability to excel in multiple areas and demonstrate their influence on the game. From the most common combinations like points and rebounds to rare combinations such as points and steals or rebounds and assists, double doubles showcase the diverse skills and impact of basketball players.


What is a double double in basketball?

In basketball, a double-double is a single-game performance in which a player accumulates ten or more in two of the following five statistical categories: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocked shots.

How can I achieve a double double in basketball?

To achieve a double double in basketball, players need to focus on specific statistical categories such as points, rebounds, assists, steals, or blocked shots. Strategies for getting a double double include positioning oneself well for rebounds, actively looking for opportunities to assist teammates, and staying engaged on defense to rack up steals and blocks.

What are the most common double double combinations?

The most common double double combination in basketball is points and rebounds. Another common combination is points and assists.

Are there any rare double double combinations?

Yes, there are rare double double combinations such as points and steals, points and blocked shots, or rebounds and assists.

What are triple doubles and other statistical achievements in basketball?

A triple double is earned when a player reaches double digits in three or more statistical categories in a single game. Quadruple doubles occur when a player achieves double digits in four categories, and quintuple doubles happen when a player reaches double digits in all five categories. Five-by-fives are achieved when a player accrues at least five in all five statistical categories.

Who holds the record for the most double doubles in basketball?

Wilt Chamberlain holds the record for the most combined double doubles for regular season and playoff games in NBA history with a total of 1,111.

Do double doubles occur in the WNBA?

Yes, double doubles also occur in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), although they are less common due to differences in game length and playing style.

Have there been any controversies or unusual cases involving double doubles?

Yes, there have been controversies surrounding double doubles, especially when it comes to players deliberately manipulating the game to achieve the feat with a late rebound. Unusual cases include players achieving multiple double doubles in a single game or recording double doubles in unusual statistical categories.

What are some historical milestones and notable performances in double doubles?

Throughout basketball history, players like Wilt Chamberlain, Hakeem Olajuwon, Russell Westbrook, and LeBron James have achieved notable milestones and impressive performances in double doubles.